Thursday, April 29, 2010

Set the Mood with Color

As the founder of sengWare, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “Should I go with color or just stick with white?” I say, “Do we have to choose?”

The common belief is that food shows off better in white. In a discussion with Thierry Rautureau of Rover’s Restaurant, Seattle, I learned that restaurants like his build their brand around certain recipes their patrons come to expect and use white as a simple canvas. Fair enough! But we’re not all professional chefs or restaurateurs. Don’t get me wrong, I love our Bistro line and use it frequently. At home, however, your dishware should reflect your own love and passion for entertaining. Shift your focus to entertaining your guests, being relaxed and having fun. Bar none, your canvas should create a unique setting just for you and your loved ones, whether it’s all white or color. Color is one of the best ways to set the perfect mood.

Let's look at several ways to use color in your home.

Start with your favorite color or combination of colors.

Forget about the hot color of the season. If it doesn’t look good to you, well, you’re right! Everyone is drawn to certain color schemes. Your favorite color probably doesn’t change based on hot trends, so neither should your dinnerware. That’s why here at sengWare, we only choose colors that will stand the test of time and that everyone will enjoy.  Tell us what color you would like to see added to the sengWare collection in our blogger poll.

Instead of following color trends, draw inspiration from your favorite room or your favorite color combination. Or look for a color scheme that flows between open spaces that can all benefit from it, like a living room or kitchen that opens to the dining room.

Or start with the favorite things you can’t live without (like an heirloom platter) and find a complementary color to work with what you already have. It’s that simple!

Add depth using solid colors.

Picture your dining table right now – it is bland and uninteresting? A lack of color can visually flatten the mood, while layers of solid colors add visual depth and can also be a great pre-dinner conversation piece.

For example, layer a bright, tangy Tangerina square plate on a dark, dreamy Blueberry round plate.

Separating your entire collection into blocks of color is another trick to add visual depth.
For example, all your dinner plates could be one color and your salad plates another. And perhaps your mugs another color block. Used correctly, even the brightest of colors won’t overwhelm your more conservative guests.
Choose an accent color and layer it.

For the white die-hards, here’s an idea for you too! Accent your whites with contrasting color. How about a touch of Pimento or Pistachio on white? Or simply choose one of our unique accessory items with your white basics, like a teapot or a pitcher.

Choose the entire sengWare palette!

Now that’s my favorite! When I was putting the sengWare palette together, I painstakingly made sure all the colors work well together, no matter how you mix and match them. Sure enough, it never fails. Try it!

Please let us know what other ideas and color combinations you have. We believe the minds and passion of many inspire us to create better and more relevant products for you. Remember, we’re Made For Individuals® – and that means you!

Next up – cooking with sengWare. Stay tuned!

Also be sure to keep an eye out for our Mother’s Day discount, April 30 - May 4.

WaiSeng Yau (Founder and Owner)

1 comment:

  1. Hi WaiSeng! It's Matt in Honolulu. Chris Hastings' old roommate. Text me at 808-391-9730 to say hello. :)
